Sunday, December 19, 2010

christmas is almost here!

I don't know about you, but I'm a sucker for Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year, being the sentimental type that I am. Tonight we're getting our tree -- have you already decorated yet? I can't wait to string up the twinkly lights and put on my Christmas mix! It's a crazy amazing mix of super retro carols and funk from the 70's, hahaha. :)

This morning I had breakfast with my super talented, beautiful sister Zoe. I really miss getting to have good talks with my sisters now that we all live far from eachother. It's so much fun to catch up.
I'm playing a big show this next Tuesday at the Torch Club and I can't wait. It'll be a great way to end the year, being one of my favorite local venues. See you all soon and Merry Christmas! I've put up some little pictures I find inspiring lately for you to look at. :)

I love Amy Borrell's beautiful artwork and I'm into maps and ironic bedding these days, lol. :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

here comes the sun again

Here's a picture from the last show I played at The Naked Lounge. My lives shows have felt more and more like any old circle of friends in one room, and I'm so pleased. I get more and more comfortable each day it seems lately. I've been practicing a lot, but I think all this hope for the future has been influential and inspirational as well. It's nice to have a clear picture of your goal to spur you on when you feel like you can't go another step.